Welcome to Oak City Softball League
Our registration period is completed, and games begin on Sunday, March 23rd for our biggest season yet – 28 teams across 4 divisions! We’re excited to begin our eighth season, meet our new players and teams and of course, welcome back our existing softball family – we’re grateful for you all!
Each team in our Competitive, D, and E divisions is planned to play 14 regular season games, and a minimum of 2 games in the season-ending tournament; our Women’s+ Division teams will each play 10 regular season games, and like the Open Division teams, will play a minimum of 2 games in their season-ending tournament (the tournaments for all divisions will be double-elimination format, weather permitting). Our league is intended to provide a welcoming, respectful environment for LGBT+ (and Allied) players and teams; our rules of play are also posted. We’ve worked hard to put together what we think will be a great experience for everyone, and can’t wait to get the games underway!
NOTE: We communicate via newsletters sent each week during the season to all players in the league; if you haven’t seen this league communication, please check your junk mailbox. If you are a registered player and haven’t seen this newsletter, please email us at community@oakcitysoftball.org and we’ll get that straightened out.
OCSL Women’s+ Division – Spring 2025
OCSL E Division – Spring 2025
Pos | Team |
1 | Base Invaders |
1 | Bat-itude |
1 | Mitt Fits |
OCSL D Division – Spring 2025
OCSL Competitive Division – Spring 2025
Spring 2025 will be our fourth season as Raleigh’s only member city organization of iPride Softball, and our sixth season as Raleigh’s exclusive member city affliliation of ASANA – Amateur Sports Alliance of North America. We are so excited about our membership in both organizations, and we are very much looking forward to our third national tournament encompassing both iPride and ASANA players – more information will be coming during the first weeks of our season!
A friendly reminder: Our league is intended to provide a welcoming, respectful environment for LGBTQIA+ (and allied) players and teams; our rules of play and code of conduct are posted on this website to provide the proper expectations to everyone affiliated with our league. Both of these items have been the subject of careful review by our leadership team and we believe they set us apart in a positive way in our quest to create a fun environment for our players — we’ve worked hard to put together what we think will be a great experience for everyone!

We use USA Softball Approved Bats Exclusively
We adhere to the use of USA Softball (formerly ASA) approved bats, exclusively. Bats need to have an ASA or USA Softball stamp, and not be on the USA Softball Non-Approved list (this PDF is dated 10-5-2021) in order to be used in Oak City Softball League games. What this means, other than bats not appearing on the ban list, is that any bats in league play MUST have an ASA/USA Softball stamp regardless of other organizations appearing on a bat (USSSA or NSA bats without an ASA/USA stamp are not allowed). Please see league staff if there are questions and we will clarify for you. If you would like to do further research, the updated list is kept on USA Softball’s website; additional explanation of terms, organizations, and stamps can be found in this blog post.